Non-refundable funds

Consultanță juridică în domeniul fondurilor nerambursabile

Serviciile pe care le oferim clienților noștri sunt susținute de experiența câștigată în implementarea unui număr semnificativ de proiecte finanțate din fonduri europene, având ca beneficiari atât entități publice, cât și private.

Alis Patlageanu

Alis Pătlăgeanu

Founder & Partner

Consultanța juridică în acest domeniu include:

Legal advice provided to both funding applicants and consultants in the field of non-reimbursable funds, in relation to legal issues related to: eligibility of applicants and projects, an analysis of the inclusion of enterprises in the SME category (small and medium-sized enterprises)
an analysis of the eligibility of the activity from a legal perspective

Asistență juridică permanentă pe întreaga perioadă de implementare a proiectelor Permanent legal assistance throughout the project implementation period: preparing documentation for the purchase of goods, services and/or works in relation to the performance of all procurement procedures within the projects Permanent legal assistance provided to the project manager and the implementation team in relation to legal issues arising during the project implementation period Drafting of legal reports and points of view regarding various legal issues arising during the implementation of the project

Representing and assisting clients in front of the authorities with attributions in the management of European funds and in front of their control structures

Legal consulting and representation services during the post-implementation period: verification procedures of the authorities with control powers in this field, legal assistance in the procedures for solving the appeals formulated against the minutes of ascertaining the irregularities and establishing the budgetary claims arising from them, legal assistance and representation before the administrative authorities and in disputes before the courts.